There are 12 Episodes

This series allowed us to really explore stories in the landscape. It offered great opportunities to explore the rich resource of Metrical Dindshenchas (The Lore of Place-names and gave us a chance to delve into some of the best of Irish stories.
Dindshenchas 01: From Vellum to Hardback – An Interview with Dr. Ranke de Vries
- Listen to the Podcast: From Vellum to Hardback – An Interview with Dr. Ranke de Vries (Part 1)
- Listen to the podcast: From Vellum to Hardback (part 2)
Dindshenchas 02: Dindshenchas and Dreamtime

- Listen to the Podcast: Dindshenchas and Dreamtime
- Images from Kakadu – Australia
- The Dindshenchas of Athleague – Áth Líac Find: tranlation from Merrical Dindshenchas by Isolde
- The Dindshenchas of the Barrow River – Berba: translation by Isolde
- The Dindshenchas of Knowth – Cnogba: translation by Isolde
Dindshenchas 03: The Well and the Cheese – The Unlikely Story of Medb and her Sisters

- Listen to the Podcast The Well and the Cheese
- Who killed Medb? ~ a poem by Chris
- The Violent Death of Maeve: textual translation with notes by Isolde
- Inis Clothran in pictures
- The Two Sisters: an old ballad: article by Chris
- The Dindshenchas of Carn Hill, Co. Longford – Carn Furbaide
Dindshenchas 04: Fled Bricrenn : 1 The Feasting Hall

- Listen to the podcast: Fled Bricrenn 1: The Feasting Hall
- Find Chris’ story: A Feasting Hall
- The mead-circling hall ~ roundhouses and their stories: article by Chris
Dindshenchas 05: Fled Bricrenn 2 – The Road to Crúachán
- Listen to the Podcast: Fled Bricrenn 2 – The Road to Crúachán
- The Coming of the Heroes to Crúachán by Chris (loosely based on Henderson translation)
- Dressed to the nines! ~ a gallery of finery.
Dindshenchas 06: Fled Bricrenn 3 – Your Head or Mine?

- Listen to the podcast: Fled Bricrenn 3: Your head or mine?
- Find Chris’ story: A Giant in the Mead Hall
Dindshenchas 07: Fled Bricrenn 4 – A Head to Head Discussion
- Listen to the Podcast: A Head to Head Discussion
- ‘If you can keep your head’ – Thoughts on the beheading game. Bricriu and the Green Knight. by Chris
- The Legend of Knockmany Hill – a late tale of Cú Chulainn by Chris
- Cú Chulainn’s Wild Ride by Isolde
Dindshenchas 08: The Further Adventures of Nera – The Cow and the Time Machine

- Listen to the podcast: The Cow and the Time Machine
- Find Chris’ story: The Cave Between the Worlds
- Sat-Navs and Seanchaís – Finding your way through stories and landscapes
- The Ancestors and the Hollow Hills: an exploration of the Otherworld by Chris
Dindshenchas 09: Tocmarc Étaíne 1 – A Fly On The Wall

- Listen to the podcast: A Fly on the Wall
- Find Chris’ story: Fuamnach
- The Text of Tocmarc Étaíne Part 1 translation by Isolde
- Brú na Bóinne and Cnogba – the Boyne Valley in the Metrical Dindshenchas: translation by Isolde
- The Brú na Bóinne and Brí Leith: landscape exploration by Chris
- Étaín, Eithliu, Vessels and Rebirth: article by Isolde
Dindshenchas 10: Tocmarc Étaíne 2 – The Re-Born Identity
- .Listen to the podcast: The Re-Born Identity
- Find the story told by Chris: A Prophecy
- The Text of Tocmarc Étaíne Part 2: Translation by Isolde
Dindshenchas 11: Tocmarc Étaíne 3 – A Game of Fidchell

- Listen to the podcast: A Game of Fidchell
- Find Chris’ telling of the story A Causeway Over Móin Lámraige
- The Corlea Trackway
Dindshenchas 12: A Magical Mystery Tour Listen to the Podcast: A Magical Mystery Tour
- Listen to the podcast: A Magical Mystery Tour – Some Dindshenchas ‘gems’
- The Dindshenchas of Brug na Bóinde, Boyne Valley, Co. Meath: Translations by Isolde
- The Dindshenchas of Dublin :Translations by Isolde
- The Dindshenchas of Áth Clíath Cúalann: Dublin: Translations by Isolde
- Find Chris’ telling of Colmcille and the Water Monster
- The Dindshenchas of Carmun :Translations by Isolde
- The Dindshenchas of Inber Ailbine: Gormanston, Co. Dublin: Translations by Isolde
- Fer Fio’s Cry: A Poem for Long Life: Translation by Isolde