‘ÉIRÍ’ Evoking Ireland’s Resilient female Ícons ‘ÉIRÍ’
An International Competition
Celebrating Women and Girls in Irish Mythology
An interactive support package for Primary and younger Secondary Students

(This programme is now ready to download )
Feel free to download this interactive Google Slides presentation as a teaching aid for exploring the wondeful old Irish stories set in their early Medieval pre-Norman Irish context. The programme is ideal for 3rd to 6th classes and there will be much to engage younger secondary age-groups. It is also designed to support entries to the ‘ÉIRÍ’ (Click for entry details) competion.Remember, there are three 1000 euro prizes available for schools.
The programme is designed to encourage class and group discussion, offers plenty of ‘follow up’ enrichment activity and even incldudes a guided, but class teacher lead, simple and fun, poetry activity utilising a poetic style inspired by the early poet story tellers.
It is designed to fit a class timetable so that it can delved into when and as class time allows. Two audio stories plus an video story are included, They all feature women characters but are exciting and unexpected. They can be accessed whenerver suits your class.
Further stories and worksheets are available on request from Chris: emais to chris.sinann@gmail.com.
Booking a visit from Chris.
In-person workshops can usually only be offered to schools and libraries within reach of where I live in the North West of Ireland. However my comprehensive on-line video and interactive google presentations are available anywhere. They can also be backed with live Zoom visits and plenty of on-line support.
How to book visits, in person or virtual.
- Book directly with me. (Schools and Libraries)
- Book through The Heritage in Schools Scheme. (For ROI schools )
- Book through Poetry Ireland’s Writers in Schools Scheme. (For ROI schools)