There are 14 episodes in this series.
The second half of series four, was one of the most fascinating and enjoyable section of the whole Story Archaeology Journey. In stretching the traditional definintion of the Irish Immrám, we found ourselves ‘rowing around’ out on the sea of story and uncovering a many new and magical islands for ourselves. There was Tadhg son of Cian , for a start. It is a later literary story but sparkles with wit and some very ‘dry’ humour. In this story, we discovered that some jokes we thought were of recent origin go back a very long time.
Then there was Mongán He first appears in one of the earliest texts still available. He was clearly a highly important and popular character in medieval literary tales, and yet he is almost unknown today. I highly recomend the podcasts about his adventures.
In this half of the series we finally explored the mystery of how another central character, Midir, ws overshadowed and much of his impotance lost.
Finally, we got to explore one of the best of all stories about Finn and his friends. That tale also contains some unexpected jokes , going back a long time. There is a great deal to explore. Have fun!

Episode 7: Echtrae Tadhg Mac Cein – The Adventures of Tadhg son of Cian
- Listen to the Podcast: The Adventures of Tadhg son of Cian (A wonderful ‘literary tale)
- Find Chris’s telling of the story: The Isle of Sheep
Episode 8 – The Shocking Revelations Concerning King Cormac Mac Airt

- Listen to the podcast: The Shocking Revelations Concerning King Cormac Mac Airt
- Find Chris’ poem, The Instructions of King Cormac
- Cormac’s Adventures in the Otherworld – The Texts: Translations by Isolde
Episode 9: Mongán and His Missus (A forgotten Irish hero!)

- Listen to the podcast: and his Missus.
- Find Chris’ telling of Manannán’s Prophecy of Mongán
- The Text of Immram Brain Part 2: Manannan’s Poem and the Prophecy of Mongán: Isolde
- Rhiannon, meet Dubh Lacha – You have a lot in common! by Chris
Episode 10: Mongán and the Poets (More about this , little known, hero.)
- Listen to the podcast: Mongán and the poets
- Find Chris’telling of The Humiliation of Eochu Rígéigeas
Episode 11: The Mongan Mysteries – Some Poetic Fragments
- Listen to the podcast: The Mongan Mysteries
- Find Chris’s telling: Colmcille and the Youth at Carn Eolairg
- Mongán, Taliesin, Finn and Arthur!: a comparison by Chris
Episode 12 – In Search of Manannan (linked to episode 13)

- Listen to the Podcast: In Search of Manannan
- Fair Lady, Will You Go With Me?: Translation by Isolde
Episode13 – In Search of Midir

- Liten to the podcast: In Search of Midir
- A Description of the Sid of Labraid poetic telling by Chris
Episode 14: The Pursuit of the Gilla Decair – An Unofficial Fenian Immrám

- Listen to the Podcast: The Pursuit of the Gilla Decair
- The Island of the Pillars; FOR REAL!: by Chris
- The Irish Abroad – an ongoing tradition
- Finn Bán describes the Gilla Decair (and his horse!) Translation by Isolde