Have your tickets ready for inspection and your guide-books open to page 1! To round off Series 3, we’re going to discover some Dindshenchas gems in the Irish countryside. Join the Story Archaeologists as they take you on a magical mystery tour of mythic cartography, mapping myths as they go. Don’t forget to subscribe to get the…
Category: Podcast Episodes
A release post.
Midwinter Special: The Craneskin Bag – A Santa’s Sack of Gifts from Irish Mythology
Long before Santa’s sack was filled with seasonal gifts, Manannán Mac Lír had a wonderful craneskin bag full of magical treasures, which he frequently gave to those he favoured. But what will the Story Archaeologists pull out of the bag? Some unusual pets, a mythical Swiss Army knife and a Holy Grail. Don’t forget to subscribe to…
Dindshenchas 11: Tocmarc Étaíne 3 – A Game of Fidchell
As we reach the final section of “The Wooing of Étaín”, a game of fidchell leads to some epic gains and losses. There will be archaic poetry, incest, a War of the Worlds and some civil engineering. Join the Story Archaeologists as they encounter a tale where text and archaeology come together in an extraordinary…
Dindshenchas 10: Tocmarc Étaíne 2 – The Re-Born Identity
As Étaín grows up to be the most beautiful woman in Ireland – again – she is wooed and won by no less than the king of all Ireland. But no story can be that simple! Join the Story Archaeologists as they seek out the improbable causes of the “sick-lying” of Étaín’s new brother-in-law. Don’t…
Dindshenchas 09: Tocmarc Étaíne 1 – A Fly On The Wall
The saga Tocmarc Étaíne, “The Wooing of Étaín”, is a complex and engaging tale of love, loss and time twists. We encounter jealous husbands, repudiated wives and bewildering shape-shifting, all stretching over a thousand years. The Story Archaeologists wander through the first part this magnifigant story, rediscovering old friends and meeting some new, including a…
Dindshenchas 08: The Further Adventures of Nera – The Cow and the Time Machine
In the context of Dindshenchas, we return to the fascinating tale, Echtrae Nerai / Táin Bó Aingene (“The Adventures of Nera / The Cattle Raid of Aingene“), which we dipped into in “Corpse Carrying For Beginners“. When Nera returns from his adventures in the síd, he ends up with even more than a time-travel headache….
Dindshenchas 07: Fled Bricrenn 4 – A Head to Head Discussion
After an exhausting treck around Ireland in pursuit of the Champion’s Portion, it’s time to sit back and examine the text of Fled Bricrenn as a whole. There are many questions to be asked; such as who has been pulling our heroes’ strings? Join the Story Archaeologists in their quest to understand this fascinating saga,…
Dindshenchas 06: Fled Bricrenn 3 – Your Head or Mine?
In the final episode of Fled Bricrenn, our heroes head deep into the Otherworld, a.k.a. Kerry. They enter the mysterious revolving fort of Cú Roí Mac Daire, culminating in the iconic beheading game. Join the Story Archaeologists as they take an axe to the Gordian Knot of this magnificent, though bewildering, saga. Please note: This…
Dindshenchas 05: Fled Bricrenn 2 – The Road to Crúachán
In the second part of Fled Bricrenn, our heroes make their way to Crúachán to be judged for the Champion’s Portion. But their routes there and back are most circuitous. Follow on their heels with the Story Archaeologists as Cú Chulainn, Loegaire and Conall are tested in some unexpected ways! If you have any technical…
Dindshenchas 04: Fled Bricrenn 1 – The Feasting Hall
When Bricriu decides to hold a party, anyone who is anyone must put in an appearance. But Bricriu has no intention of getting in a few beers and a few bowls of nibbles. No, Bricriu’s feast will set the greatest heroes of Ulster at each other’s throats and send them racing off on adventures throughout…