Begin Series 3, Dindshenchas and the Art of Mythic Cartography, as the Story Archaeologists interview Dr. Ranke de Vries, editor of “Two Texts on Loch nEchach”. With Chris away in Australia, Isolde, left behind in chilly Ireland, had the pleasure of interviewing friend and former teacher, Ranke de Vries, after the recent launch of her…
Don’t shout. Someone might hear you! – A look back at the “Children of Tuirenn” from across the world.
I am writing this article, or more accurately an addendum to the notes on ‘The Children of Tuireann’ article , in sunny Brisbane. However, I have just returned from a few days in Kakadu in the Northern Territories, a journey that left me thinking. I got to see a lot of estuarine crocodiles, often very…
References for Episode 12
In the episode, we referred to a passage in the introduction to Elizabeth Gray’s Irish Texts Society edition of Cath Maige Tuired [page 19 of the print edition]. If you have been reading the text on CELT, it doesn’t include the introduction. So below is a list of the sections she cites containing the Old Irish…
The Proto-Story – A Speculation
And the Morrigan spoke at last. “The time will soon be upon us, and unrest will not pass us by. The leader of our people will be fatally blemished. Núada will be wounded in heart and hand. No longer will he hold golden prosperity within his grasp.” The Dagda grinned. “Dían Cécht will make him…
The Battle of Moytura 12: An Experiment In Story Archaeology (Part 2)
We have dug down as far as we can go in this Story Archaeology dig of Cath Maige Tuired. We’ve studied the landscape, examined related stories, collected linguistic potsherds. So what are we left with? For the last episode in “The Battle of Moytura” series, the Story Archaeologists engage in some experimental story archaeology. What…
The Battle of Moytura 12: An Experiment In Story Archaeology (Part 1)
We have dug down as far as we can go in this Story Archaeology dig of Cath Maige Tuired. We’ve studied the landscape, examined related stories, collected linguistic potsherds. So what are we left with? For the last episode in “The Battle of Moytura” series, the Story Archaeologists engage in some experimental story archaeology. What…
Three shouts on a hill ~ Notes on the final task of the Children of Tuirenn
As we discussed in Episode 9, Lugh sets eight tasks for Brian and his brothers as an éric for the death of his father, Cian. He demands a series of marvelous items (see “Pleasing the King of Bling” for details). However, the final task is of a very different nature. Lugh cannot gain materially by the…
The Battle of Moytura 10: The Children of Tuirenn 2 – Three Shouts on a Hill (Part 2)
In our continuing discussion of the Early Modern Irish tale, “The Fate of the Children of Tuirenn”, we send Brian and the boys off on their epic quest. Much of this tale sounds terribly familiar (did someone say “Labours of Heracles?”). But it all boils down to the deceptively simple task of making three shouts…
The Battle of Moytura 10: The Children of Tuirenn 2 – Three Shouts on a Hill (Part 1)
In our continuing discussion of the Early Modern Irish tale, “The Fate of the Children of Tuirenn”, we send Brian and the boys off on their epic quest. Much of this tale sounds terribly familiar (did someone say “Labours of Heracles?”). But it all boils down to the deceptively simple task of making three shouts…
Pleasing the “King-of-Bling!” ~ Notes on the tasks of the Sons of Tuireann
Lugh is, of course, well within his rights to ask for a high éric, an honour price for the murder of his father, Cian. However, in this story, which clearly reflects Classical influences, Lugh intends the collection of the quest items to cost the lives of Brian and his brothers. Lugh hopes that the brothers…