ed. Edward Gwynn
translated by Isolde Carmody, based on Gwynn’s work.
The complete edition by Gwynn can be found here
pp 36 – 43: Poems 11 & 12
MAELMURU cecinit
Mael Muru sings:
1. Áth Lïac Find, cid diatá,
The Ford of Find’s Stone, from what is it [named]?
cid nách sluinni nach sencha?
Why does no historian name it?
císsi díchumne roddall,
What forgetting has blinded us
dia fárgab Find ailig ann?
since Find left his stone there?
2. Dia torchair, ba mór in cath,
When there fell – great was the battle –
coíca la trichait nónbar
Fifty, with thirty “nines”
im thrí maccu Cirb co m-búaid
Including the three victorious sons of Cirb
lotar la sruth anairthúaid.
who came along the stream from the north-west:
3. Dia torchratar issind áth
When there fell in the ford
cethri Conaill, dá Cholmán,
four Conalls, two Colmans,
cethri Suibni, dá mac Bricc,
four Suibnes, two sons of Brecc,
cethri Dubthaig, dá Diarmait.
four Dubthachs, two Diarmaits:
4. Dasuí Flathgus, gilla Find,
Flathgus, Find’s gillie, turned
a gnúis ri gáir n-écomlaind,
his face toward the cry of the over-matched:
docersat laiss, airm ir-ran,
He felled, where he stood at bay,
cethri cethrair, dá nónbar.
four fours and two nines.
5. Da torpart dond áth atuaíth
When he assailed the ford from the north –
Fland mac Finde abrat-ruaíd:
Fland son of Find Red-brows –
marbais coíca, comul ngle,
he slew fifty (famous meeting)
tri conchend na h-ergaile.
that hound-head of battle.
6. Dia n-éccid, foichne a scél,
When he was slain – the cause of the story –
foceirt in sluag i trom-nél
It put the troop into a heavy cloud [of despair]
díth maic Connath di Maig Lir
the loss of the son of Conna from Mag Lir, robí Find in maten sin.
whom Find slew that morning
7. Dia n-erbairt Setna iarsin
When Setna uttered after that
a brethir co rath taith
His word, a false gift [??]
co m-briste fir fer co ngail
that the faith of true battle should be waged
for mac Umaill di Laignib.
upon Umall’s son of the Leinstermen:
8. Dia tánic Sinand iarsin,
When Sinann came after that –
ingen Mongáin as-sídib,
Daughter of Mongán from the fairy hills –
dobert líc co slabraid óir
She gave a stone with a golden chain
do Fhind mac Umaill alt-móir.
to Find, son of great-jointed Umall.
9. Rigis Find a láim iarsin
Then Find stretched out his hand
don liicc thrén tréochair
for the strong three-sided stone
co tuc a cend buí for muin
and gave [a pledge] by the head that was on the shoulders
Guairi guill fothroelagair,
of Guaire Goll who carried it,
10. Ná melta riss, ruathor gargg,
That he would not use (fierce his onset)
acht gaí nó chlaidib nó chalg:
Anything but spear or sword or rapier:
ba óen a gessa iar tain
it was one of his gessa after that,
comrac a thoíb ri talmain.
[If he break it?] may his side touch the ground. [i.e. he die]
11. Danarlaic iarsin sin n-áth,
Then he hurled it [the stone] into the ford
tan donnánic a lond-bág,
when his battle-frenzy came upon him:
Senach, Senchán acus Bran,
Senach, Senchán and Bran
conid de darochratar.
Were killed by that [cast].
14. Iarsin iarum rogab foss
So it came to rest then
issind lind lán lethan-glass,
in the full, broad-green pool,
conatorchratar for tráig
until it be cast upon the shore
dia domnaig im thignáir.
on a Sunday at the hour of matins.
15. Fagaib ingen maten de,
A girl will find it that morning,
dianid comainm Bé Thuinne;
whose name is Bé Thuinne [Lady of the Wave]:
foceird a cois-sliasait cóir,
she will put her perfect foot
arind erdrolam dergg-óir.
upon the hoop of red gold.
16. Ré secht m-blíadna iarsuidiu
A space of seven years after that
co bruinniu lathi brátha:
Until the edge of Judgement Day:
ní fríth buith immerthas:
never have I been found amiss:
issed senchas ind átha.
that is the history of the ford.
1. Ath Líac Find, cía lía diatá,
Ath Liac Find—from what stone comes it[s name]?
finnat dúinn na senchada:
let the historians enquire for us
cía díchuimne rodondall,
what forgetfulness has blinded us
tan forfácaib a líc and?
[since] the time when he [i.e. Find] left his stone there?
2. Imairec catha, céim nglé,
There was a battle -famous march –
do mac Cumaill Almaine
between Cumall of Almu’s son
fri mílid in lethe atúaid,
and a warrior of the northern region,
fri mac Echdach abrat-rúaid.
the son of Eochaid Red-brows.
3. Doluid Sideng sel iarsin,
Then came Sideng [“Silken”?] for a while,
ingen Mongáin shaír shídig,
the daughter of noble [.it. “free”] Mongan of the Síde,
co tuc líc co slabraid óir
and gave a stone with a golden chain
d’ Fhind mac Cumaill maic Thrénmóir.
to Find son of Cumall son of Trénmór.
4. And dorat Find a líc luind
Then Find laid the keen stone,
‘sin chath for muin Guairi guill,
in the battle, on the shoulders of Guaire Goll,
co tairnic airmed a shlóig,
until the ennumeration of his company was completed
ó thráth éirge co h-iarnóin.
[it took] from day-break to afternoon.
5. Gáiris asin leith atúaid
He shouted from the northern side –
Fland mac Echdach abrat-rúaid:
Fland son of Eochaid red-brows –
roríast a chruth, coraul nglé,
he twisted [?] his shape, famous hero-wounding [? Gwynn: “meeting”]
trén-chonchend na h-irgaile.
that strong hound-head of great fury.
6. Sínid Find a láim iarsin
Then Find stretched [out] his hand
dia líc tréuill tréochair,
For his triple-great three-edged stone,
co tuc in oind baí for muin
and took the stone that was on the shoulders
Guairi guill forróeblangair.
Of Guaire Goll who bore it.
7. Adrochratar isin áth
There fell in the ford
cethri Conaill, dá Cholmán,
four Conalls, two Colmans,
cethri Suibni, dá mac Bricc,
four Suibnes, two sons of Brecc,
cethri Dubthaig, dá Diarmait.
four Dubthachs, two Diarmaits.
8. Tarlaic Find a lía ‘sa n-áth
Find hurled his stone into the ford
ón uair tánic a lond-láth:
When his battle-frenzy came upon him:
Bran ocus Senach is Sen,
Bran and Senach and Sen
is deshin dorochratar.
Were killed by that [cast].
9. Dorochair in lia ‘sin lind,
The stone fell in the pool
dia n-dernad enech fíal-Fhind:
where generous Find’s honour was made
iarum nochonfhagaib nech,
After which no one may find it –
conach é in sét somaínech?
is that not the precious treasure?
10. Fongeib ingen, comul nglé,
A girl will find it – famous union –
dianid comainm Bé Thuinde:
Whose name will be Bé Thuinde
[Bé Thuinde = Lady of the Wave]
foceird a coisslíasait cóir
She will put her perfect leg
trena aurdrolam n-derg-óir.
through its hoop of red gold.
11. Co motarraing súas iarsin
When she draws it up after that –
in lía sin cona drolaib,
that stone with its loops [i.e. chain] –
conidfargaib forsin tráig
when she leaves it on the shore
dia domnaig isin tiugnáir.
on a Sunday at the hour of matins;
12. Secht m-blíadna iarsin, sásad nglé,
Seven years after that – famous fulfillment –
co tí lathe in mesraigthe,
until the day of judgement
conid h-é sin gním diatá
So that is the action from which comes
dindshenchas in deg-átha. Áth.
the history of the name of the good ford – Áth Liac Find
ed. Edward Gwynn
translated by Isolde Carmody, based on Gwynn’s work.
The complete edition by Gwynn can be found here
pp 26 – 39: Poems 2 & 3
Boand I
[There is an attested Celtic name, “Bovinda” = “White Cow”, which would come down to Old Irish as “Bóand”. It even shares a linguistic root with Sanskrit “govinda”. The river itself gives Meath its fertility and access to the East Coast of Ireland at Drogheda.]
1. Síd Nechtain sund forsin t-shléib,
Sid Nechtain is [the name of] this mountain,
[Nechtain = clean, pure, white]
lecht mic Labrada lán-géir,
the grave of the full-keen son of Labraid
assa silenn in sruth slán
from which flows the untainted river
dianid ainm Bóand bith-lán.
whose name is Boand ever-full.
2. Cóic anmand déc, demne drend,
Fifteen names, firmness of conflicts,
forsin t-shruth-sin adrímem,
are on this stream we enumerate,
otá Síd Nechtain asmaig
from where Sid Nechtain is, out there
co roshaig pardus Adaim.
till it reaches the paradise of Adam.
3. Segais a hainm issin t-shíd
Segais was her name in the Sid
ria cantain duit in cach thír:
to be sung by you in every land:
Sruth Segsa a hainm otá-sin
Stream of Segais is her name from there
co Lind Mochúi in chlérig.
to the pool of Mochua the cleric.
4. Otá Topur Mochúi chóir
From where is the well of proper Mochua
co cocrích Midi mag-móir
to the boundaires of Meath’s wide plain,
Rig mná Nuadat ‘s a Colptha
the Arm of Nuadu’s Wife and her Leg are
a dá ainm ána imarda.
the two splendid and exalted names.
5. Otá cocrích Midi maiss
From the boundaries of goodly Meath
corrici in fairgi fondglaiss
till she reaches the green bed of the sea
Mór-Chuing Argait gairther di,
she is called the Great Silver Yoke
ocus Smir Find Fedlimthi.
and the White Marrow of Fedlimid.
6. Trethnach-Tond ósin immach
[Sea-]Stormy Wave from there onwards
connici Cúalnge cráibach.
Until she reaches branchy Cualnge.
Sruth Findchuill ó Chúalnge chrúaid
The Stream of the White Hazel from hard Cualnge
co Loch n-Echach Abrat-rúaid.
to the lake of Eochu Red-Brows [i.e. Lough Neagh].
7. Banna ó Loch Echach cen ail,
Banna [is her name] from faultless Lough Neagh:
Drumchla Dílenn co h-Albain;
Roof[-tree] of the Ocean [over] to Scotland:
Lunnand hí i n-Albain cen ail
Lunnand [= “Pooled”?] she is in faultless Scotland —
nó is Turrann iarna tucsain.
or Torrand [“Thunderous”?], according to its meaning.
8. Sabrann dar tír Saxan slán,
Severn [she is called] across the land of the untroubled Saxons,
Tibir i ráith na Román,
Tiber within the Romans’ ramparts:
Sruth n-Iordanen iarsain sair,
Then River Jordan in the east
ocus Sruth n-Eufrait adbail.
and vast River Euphrates.
9. Sruth Tigir i pardus búan,
River Tigris in enduring paradise,
fota sair síst fri himlúad:
[she is] long in the east, a time for movement
ó phardus darís ille
from paradise back again here
co srothaib na síde-se.
to the streams of this Sid.
10. Bóand a h-ainm coitchend cain
Boand is her accepted pleasant name
otá in síd co fairge fraig:
from the Sid to the sea-wall;
mebur lim aní diatá
I have in mind the cause of it[s name].
usce mná mic Labrada.
the water of the wife of Labraid’s son.
11. Nechtain mac Labrada laind,
Nechtain son of bold Labraid
diarbo ben Bóand, bágaimm,
whose wife was Boand, I proclaim;
topur diamair bói ‘na dún,
there was a secluded well in his fort,
assa maided cech mí-rún.
from which burst forth every bad mystery.
12. Ní fhail nodécced dia lár
No one could look on its surface
nach maided a dá rosc rán:
without bursting his two splendid eyes:
dia ngluased do chlí nó deis,
if he should move to left or right,
ní thargad úad cen athis.
he would not come from it without disfigurement.
13. Aire níslaimed nech de
Therefore no one dared [approach] it
acht Nechtain ‘s a deogbaire:
except for Nechtain and his cup-bearers:
it é a n-anmand, fri gním nglan,
These are their names, [famed] for pure deed,
Flesc is Lam ocus Luäm.
“Rod” and “Hand” and “Pilot”.
14. Fecht and dolluid Bóand bán —
One day, pure Boand came here,
dosfuargaib a dímus n-án –
– her glaring overestimation prompted her –
cosin topur cen tarta
to the well, without being thirsty,
d’airigud a chumachta.
to observe its power.
15. Immar rothimchill fo thrí
As she walked round [it] three times,
in topur co n-étuachli,
[around] the well unwarily,
maidit teora tonna de
three waves burst from it,
dia tánic aided Bóinne.
From which came the vioent death of Boand.
16. Rosiacht cach tond díb ria chuit,
Each wave of them sought [to strike] against its portion,
romillset in mnái mbláth-buic:
they crushed the soft-blooming woman;
tond ria cois, tond ria súil sláin,
a wave against her foot, a wave against her perfect eye,
tres tond brisid a leth-láim.
the third wave shatters one hand.
17. Rethis co fairgi, ferr de,
She rushed to the sea – it was better for her –
d’ imgabáil a hathise,
to flee from her disfigurement,
ar nách acced nech a cned:
so that none might see her wound[s];
furri féin a himathber.
on herself [fell] her reproach.
18. Cach conair dolluid in ben
Every way the woman went
moslúi in t-usce úar imgel:
the cold bright water followed
ón t-shíd co fairgi nách fand,
from the Sid to the sea – it was not weak -,
conid di gairthir Bóand.
so that from this is called Boand.
19. Bóand do bruinni ar mbrúich braiss
Boand from the bosom of our mighty river-bank,
máthair Oengussa oll-maiss,
the mother of greatly beautiful Oengus,
mac ruc don Dagda, miad nglé,
the son she bore to the Dagda – clear dignity –
dar cend fir na síde-se. S.
over the head [i.e. behind the back] of the man of this Sid.
20. Nó Bóand bó ocus find
Or, Boand is “cow” and “white”
do chomrac in dá ríg-lind,
from the meeting of the two royal waters,
in t-usce a sléib Guaire glé
the water from bright Sliab Guaire
ocus sruth na síde-se. S.
and the stream of the Sids here.
21. Dabilla ainm in chon chóir
Dabilla, the name of the faithful dog
robói oc mnái Nechtain nár-móir,
who belonged to the wife of Nechtain, great and noble,
messán Bóinne co mblaid
the lap-dog of famous Boand,
luid ina diaid dia torchair.
which went after her when she was killed.
22. Rosróen sruth in mara immach
The sea-current swept it away,
corrici na cairge clach,
until it reached the stony rocks;
co ndernsat dá gabait de,
and they made two portions of it, [i.e. cut it in half]
conid úad rohainmnigthe.
so that they were named from that.
23. Atát i n-airthiur Breg mbrass
They stand to the east of mighty Breg,
in dí chloich ‘sin loch lind-glass;
the two stones in the green-pooled lake:
Cnoc Dabilla ósin ille
The Hill of Dabilla [is so called] from that day to this
di choin bic na síde-se. S.
from the little dog of the Sid.
Boand II
1. A Máilshechlainn mic Domnaill
O Maelsechlainn son of Domnall
do chlainn ingine Comgaill,
of the family of Comgall’s daughter:
adcós duit, a máil Mide,
I will tell you, O exalted of Meath,
senchas Bóinde báin-gile.
the history of white bright Boand.
2. Bóand, bendacht forsin sruth
Boand — a blessing on the stream
roordaig Críst co cóem-chruth,
that fair-formed Christ ordained;
conid hí ó glenn do glenn
so that she from glen to glen
sruth Eorthanan na Hérenn.
[is] the river Jordan of Erin.
3. Find Life, Find Gaileóin gairb,
Find Liphe [and] fierce Find of the Gaileon,
do chomóentaid dá chomainm,
from the union of two like names,
dia comrac atá Mag Find,
from their meeting is Mag Find [named]:
Find lúath Life ocus Mífind.
swift Find Liphe and Mifind.
4. Oén Find díb-sin, beres búaid,
One of these two Finds – it grasps victory –
sech tóeb Temrach anairthúaid:
[flows] past the side of Tara from the north-east:
ann comrecat ‘con chommar
there at the confluence it meets
ocus Bóand bán-bronnat.
with white-breasted Boand.
5. Bó Gúairi sech Tailtin tair
Bo Guairi which, eastward past Tailtiu
siles tre Loch Munremair:
flows through Loch Munremair,
Bó Gúairi ainm na haba
Bo Guairi is the name of the river
ria ráiter in mór-Banna.
which after [that point?] is called great Banna.
6. Mar atá Ordan is An,
As there is “Dignity” and “Water”
ó’ ráiter sruth Eorthanan,
from which the river Jordan is called,
in Bóand Bó ocus Find,
[so] Boand is “Cow” and “White”
do chomrac in dá ríg-lind.
from the meeting of the two royal waters.
7. Tánic Bóand ann andes
Boand came there from the south,
ben Nechtain cosin cairdes
the wife of Nechtain, to the love-making
co tech Elcmairi na n-ech,
to the house of Elcmaire of the horses,
fer dobered mór ndeg-breth.
a man that gave many good judgements.
8. IS ann dorala in Dagda
It is there that the Dagda came
i tig Elcmairi amra:
into the wondrous house Elcmaire:
rogab for guide na mná:
he began pleading with the woman:
rodusasáit re hóen-lá.
he brought her to the birth in a single day.
9. IS ann fastaitís in ngréin
It was then they stopped the sun
co cend nói mís, mór in scél,
til the end of nine months – a great story
ic gorad in rafheóir ráin
warming the splendid great grass
i cléithi in aeóir imláin.
in the roof-tree of the perfect sky.
10. And asbert in ben abus
Then the woman said here:
“Comrac rit, bad é m’ óen-gus”:
“Meeting with you, that was my one passion”
“Is bad Oengus ainm in meicc”
And Oengus shall be the boy’s name,”
asbert Dagda tre daigbeirt.
said the Dagda, through good judgement.
11. Luid Bóand ó thig co tric
Boand went from the house suddenly
dús dá tairsed in tiprait:
to see if she could reach the well:
derb lé docheiled a col
she was [making?] sure of hiding her adultery
da soised ló a fothrucod.
if she could succeed in washing [in it].
12. A thrí deogbaire in drúad,
The druid’s three cup-bearers
Flesc ocus Lesc ocus Lúam,
“Rod”, and “Sloth” [perh. In error for Lam, “Hand”, above?], and “Pilot”,
Nechtain mac Námat dorat
That Nechtain son of “Enemy” set
do chomét a chóem-thiprat.
to guard his fair well.
13. Doruacht chucu Bóand mín
To them came gentle Boand
dochum na tiprat iar fír:
toward the well, truly,
ércid tairsi in tobar tenn,
the powerful well rose over her,
corosbáid hí cen forcenn.
So that it drowned her in the end.
14. Dogabad uirre in cach trácht
She [the river] was dammed on both shores
nách soised inber na mbárc
so that it would not reach the shipping estuary.
ic Máelmórda, mét ratha,
by Maelmorda – great his wealth –
ic mac maisech Murchada.
by the goodly son of Murchad.
15. Dorónad trócaire Dé
God’s charity was practised
for leith Chuind don chomairle,
on Leth Chuind [i.e. the Northern half of Ireland] on that advice,
coréló in aidchi déin daill
so that it escaped the swift blind night
chucut, a Máil féil Sechlaind.
For you, O generous Maelsechlainn.
boann 1 and bond ii any chance we could discuss this over a map reading if you have the time as it traces very well over the landscape but i may be missing some details that you might be able to fill in ofr me